12 Sep
I, Simon Jackson, Syngenta’s сrop protection specialist, inform that the heavy morning dews in the coming weeks can make your brassica crops vulnerable to diseases like ringspot and white blister. Despite the challenges during the dry planting season, our crops have shown strong resilience. Their leaves have grown well, but with the onset of these […]
14 Aug
Pigs and cattle, among other livestock, will have the freedom to roam and graze unrestricted on the National Trust’s inaugural ‘super national nature reserve’ located in Dorset. In an initiative undertaken three years ago, the National Trust designated the Purbeck Heaths as England’s inaugural “Super NNR,” aiming to transform the region into an “open grazing […]
12 Jul
Join us as Phil Haslam, the Managing Director of North Atlantic Fishing Company (NAFCO), guides us on a journey towards nourishing the world through a thriving and environmentally responsible fishing industry. Across the nation, fishing stands as a vital pillar of numerous communities, offering employment opportunities and fostering economic stability. The sustainable seafood sector and […]
5 Jun
Only a mere 20% of business applications receive direct support, while a significant 30% necessitate “hypercare” at farming organizations. Despite years of digital government initiatives, approximately two-thirds of the UK’s farming agency’s interactions with its 21 million customers still rely on paper-based forms. According to a recent report published by the Public Accounts Committee, as […]
12 May
Some years ago, the president of the National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales wrote a response to a BBC documentary that had criticised the meat industry’s environmental impact. In the response, she argued that British farmers do not clear rainforests to produce beef and lamb, and that British meat is not a product of […]
10 Apr
The European Commission unveiled its action plan to protect 30% of the European Union’s seas by 2030. While eagerly anticipated by NGOs and fishing industry professionals, the measures have not garnered unanimous support. The plan includes the creation of more marine protected areas, banning trawling in these areas, improving the management of fish stocks, and […]
14 Mar
The scientists have called it “Insectageddon” The scientists presented their findings at the annual conference of the British Ecological Society, which showed that at least a third, between 33% and 41%, of earthworms have disappeared from UK soils in the last 25 years, based on data from around 100 previous studies. Professor James Pearce-Higgins, the […]
23 Jan
The new year has started strong, with the entry into force of the new CAP, feared for sacrificing production in favor of environmental requirements. But there are more changes. From Asaja, the registration of food contracts or the thousand times promised double tariff for electricity are pointed out as the most positive. Other rules are […]
4 Jan
Astronomical quantities of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in Canadian waters. Threads, nets, traps and ropes account for 70% of all micro plastics in the oceans by weight. These ghost gears also threaten the right whale. Marine pollution from the fishing industry is significant in Canada. In the last year alone, 4,105 pieces of […]
8 Dec
Faced with soaring costs, the food supply could run out After shortages of eggs, tomatoes and pears could run out: hit by soaring costs, the United Kingdom is heading straight for a food supply crisis, the main British agricultural union warned on Tuesday. Ultimately, “the danger is that we produce ever less of our food […]
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