30 Nov
Sprat fishing quotas in the Baltic Sea will be reduced by 11% next year, not 20% as suggested by the European Commission (EC). At the same time, the opportunities for catching Baltic herring in the central part of the sea will increase more than the EC proposed – by 32% instead of 14%. This was […]
23 Nov
A fisherman named Andy Hackettou has caught one of the world’s largest goldfish in a French lake. The weight of the catch was more than 30 kg, according to the Daily Mail. The elusive fish, known as the “carrot” because of its orange color, was caught in Bluewater Lake in Champagne, France. They were put […]
16 Nov
South Africa has set a goal of attracting up to $250 billion to the nascent hydrogen industry by 2050. According to Masofa Moshoesho, a green economy specialist, the industry could create 1.4 million jobs and generate up to $30 billion in annual revenue. Green hydrogen, which is produced by splitting water using renewable energy, is […]
9 Nov
Gorongosa National Park was once considered one of the best in Africa. Everything changed during the civil war in Mozambique last century. The reserve became a place of armed conflict. Both wildlife and vegetation suffered. Civilians also accelerated the destruction of forests. They cut down trees to make way for cornfields. For the past four […]
2 Nov
As tourists pose for a selfie on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda, factories within walking distance of the source of the Nile dump their waste directly into Africa’s longest river. AFP reporters watched as tannery workers shoved rubbish into the river as dirty water flowed into the Nile through plastic pipes, leaving a […]
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