War in Ukraine: Moscow and Kyiv sign an agreement for the resumption of grain exports blocked by the conflict
On Friday July 22, Ukraine and Russia each signed an agreement with Turkey and the United Nations to allow the resumption of grain exports blocked by the war.
A signature to avoid a global food crisis. Russia and Ukraine, which alone account for 30% of the wheat trade, reached an agreement allowing the resumption of grain exports blocked by the war on Friday 22 July. The two countries signed two identical but separate texts, at the request of Ukraine.
An easing of Western sanctions against Russia
The United Nations hailed an unprecedented agreement. “It is a relief for countries on the verge of bankruptcy, and for all countries threatened by famine,” said Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Thanks to secure corridors on the Black Sea, and localized ceasefires in crossing areas, 25 million tonnes of cereals, hitherto immobilized in Ukrainian ports, will be able to be transported around the world. In return, Vladimir Putin obtained relief from Western sanctions. Russian exports of agricultural products will no longer be penalized.